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Sunday, March 29, 2009

wahh. its been so long i kinda forgot how to do this.

hello blog. i havent seen you in 3 months. how have you been.

"ive been dead you moron.
cus you dont post!!"

...well i guess i deserve that.

so the first terms gone by pretty fast. honestly i guess things just seem long and tideous when youre stuck smack in the middle of them but after theyre over you look back and think 'what happened to all that time'

how time flies huh.

so...what did happen with all that time.

  • school
  • training
  • sleep

what kinda life do i lead =(


real late to be posting about this...but i kinda realised im already sec 4 O.o and somehow id have thought there wouldnt be that much work. i thought maybe just after sec 3 and concamp id get great motivation to sorta study harder. but that aint coming simply is it.

but just studying cant be the point of school.

i guess having another year with .15s really something to be glad about. i never thought it when i first landed up here but this honestly has been one of the best and definately the most bonded class ive been in. i feel like shaking you guys half the time you say stuff...but its thanks to you all ive had a pretty fun 1 and 1/4 years so far =)

now just gotta actually start studying. and i will after nats

...which comes to training

i really thought at the start of this year that i had no chance and all i joined canoeing for wouldve been a little experience...honestly rowing a C1 and not really even making it 10km in one training...didnt look so good =(

but well...its come so far from that. in a C2 me and andrew actually got our stroke and balance and i guess that goes a long way cus we really improved lots in the past 2 months =) and i probably have him to thank for that cus no way i couldve gotten here if he hadnt pushed despite his injury to do well...so thanks dude.

NJCC didnt go so well cus we missed 3rd by one freaking second!! but well in a week plus well get another shot at it...and we gonna go all the way.


i like sleep.

sleep is good.
sleep healthy.
when rested
me happy.

i feel so poetic today =)

so in the past months ive spent lots of time focusing of life and what i could do with it. i mean who doesnt want to invest it stuff that benefits yourself...i guess almost everything i do these days i do for some reason or another...whether to make me happy or to gain something out of it.

almost everything.

"not my will, but Yours be done" You cried.

the first term of 2009 has been a real interesting and...educational one. and i can say ive had lots of fun...ive did lots, learnt lots and gained at least something out of that.

...but have i given enough..?

it sucks to admit it...but ive been so caught up with myself lately that ive had little time for other people. id spent hours brooding over my own concerns and the tasks i have to accomplish. and how they implicate me and why me why me. and when others do stuff or say things that id usually laugh at or simply ignore i get pretty fired up cus it pisses me off.

ive been real quick to judge and quick to act rashly. i havent really taken responsibility or behaved the way i should.

and maybe its the stress or the pressure or the expectations i have...but ive been a person that i wouldve looked at awhile ago and disapproved of. and im ashamed of that.

but im most ashamed for the way ive forgotten about God.

everytime i pray its about how i want God to help me and how God should lead my life. and never about others and what God wants me to see in their lives...or what God wants for others.

its never about God.

ive been searching to find something in life i could count on and work on to feel like its worth something. but i guess i already know at the end of the day its God and God alone who holds the answer...and who i should invest my time in. and i guess ive been disillusioned by the concept of making something out of life on my own...that ive forgotten that its Him i should follow. that its not about what i want or what i get...but what Hes planned for me and what i can do for Him. that it wasnt for Himself that He died on that cross...and similarly i should lay my life at His feet for how He may use it, come what may.

not me, but for Jesus.

im so sorry, Lord.

You chose the cross with every breath
The perfect life, the perfect death
You chose the cross
A crown of thorns, You wore for us
and crowned us with eternal life
You chose the cross

And though Your soul was overwhelmed with pain
Obedient to death You overcame

You loosed the cords of sinfulness
and broke the chains of my disgrace
You chose the cross
From the grave, victorious
You rose again, so glorious
You chose the cross

The sorrow that surrounded You was mine
Yet, "not my will but Your's be done", You cried

I'm lost in wonder
I'm lost in love
I'm lost in praise forevermore
Because of Jesus'
unfailing love
I am forgiven, I am restored

Because of Jesus
I am restored

I'm lost in wonder
I'm lost in love
I'm lost in praise forevermore
Because of Jesus'
unfailing love
I am forgiven, I am restored

Lost in Wonder (You Chose the Cross)
Keith Getty
An Evening in Prague

...okay...that aint keith getty and that song aint from that album...but it was the only one i could find on imeem.

either way, its a beautiful song...with a simple but very real message.

Because of Jesus.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

hello blog my old friend. been too long huh?

but its 2 months since i last saw you...and at the insistence of many i must put something up on you.

so the last time i posted was after the exams...seemed like a whole holiday of fun and slacking planned out before me...but then wham!! its a whole new year and im back in school =(

stupid cycle of life...now all that remains are memories

so first holiday training...i skipped like half of them cus i was overseas or busy or otherwise occupied but i gotta say the ones we did attend pretty productive...doesnt really matter now though cus thanks to unfortunate circumstances this year my seasons probably over before its even started =( but dont worry man if youre thinking its your fault...just rest and well give it another shot the next chance we get if you still want...the C2s always here.

this year finally got to help out in actual vbc. pretty fun staying over in church and taking care of the kids and all...its more of a camp that way. and not so tiring cus dont have to run after most of the kids...just yanlins brother...but he was a fun kid =)

JYC or CYC or whatever it was this year was super fun. i got a group that i hardly knew but over the 4 days made lots of new friends =) and even though camp wasnt as massive an event as it was last year still had a great impact on me and really was lots of fun.

went to KL after that like every year...but somehow this year it came as a better chance to rest...maybe after 15 years theres just something about that place that gives me calm =) discovered a new running route that moves around this huge housing estate under a hill...super nice view...and discovered that gyms dont believe im 18 anymore =( still got in though.

went to penang halfway through that trip...stayed in the 'g' hotel with super nice super cheap rooms...and a lounge and bar called the g spot O.o spent most of the time there eating and using hotels gym...but made a few friends and all in all it was lots of fun too =)

so ya honestly the holidays were a great rest and really good time to relax and take a break. wouldnt have hurt if it were longer though...but with stuff like church camps and parties and stayovers and everything it really made last holiday a memorable 2 months =)

now just gotta go through 10 more!!

i have to say though...even though they were fun and all...holiday were still stuffed full with worries.

and thinking about it thats kinda sad...even when im on break i got stuff to worry about!! but then again lifes never worry-free, is it.

is it...?

i guess everyone has insecure moments once in awhile...or more than that. and hard to believe but honestly no one themselves have the answers. no ones born with that rare uncanny ability to analyse and amend issues the rest of us just seem to struggle with unceasingly.

through the holidays the time let me visit different churches...in singapore kl and even in penang. and yet coincidentially they preached the same message, reassuring me that God would comfort me and make things better...and i honestly have to say that i had trouble believing it. after all, isnt it just the words of a pretty much blind optimist to say that problems fix themselves.

but in camp i was prayed for...and one line changed things.

"He has said that He would give nations for you"

troubles and issues i have may seen far beyond me...and honestly they are. and lots of times these challenges arent concluded it the manner id like. but i guess instead of thinking that thats God not answering my prayers...its God doing so in the way that He sees best...and though it may seem unreasonable and stupid at times...He knows better than any of us, and any trust in Him, no matter how unwise it may logically seem, is never unfounded.

He has a plan for you and me...for each and every one of His children...and as a God that truly would give nations for you, what else would He have in store for you that is any less than the best He could want for you?

all He asks for is faith.

God will make a way
When there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me

He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way

You hold my every moment
Calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
You heal all my disease

I trust in You
I trust in You

I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus, You're all I need

Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus, You're all I need

This Is Our God

He holds our world in His hands...so what have we to fear that things arent going exactly as He's planned?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

oh wow. hello blog...long time no post.

so exams over huh...now that i look back on them seem to have passed really fast. just few weeks ago i was telling myself better start studying and work hard if not its concamp...or get kicked out of ib. or worse.

and suddenly, wham. now its all over and done with.

ahh well...nothing i can do about my grades or anything now, is there. just go for concamp, work hard; by the grace of God maybe this time ill pass and pull through.

and trainings started again...weirdly enough after one month plus...me and Andrew didnt suck, thank God. mr goh drops big big hint too...so looks like its C2 for us huh.

by His grace, may we pull through that too.

so maybe during the exam period, the stress and the pressure gets to me. im pretty sure it got to everyone...maybe others more serious than me, simply because maybe my academics didnt matter so much to me. but under such pressure, i guess the mind reasons with itself that, since its devoting its time an energy to such an ardious task, its only normal that it doesnt overstress our limited human capacity, and therefore proceed to slacken in other demanding aspects of life.

to compensate. and "compensate" i did.

under this pressure maybe i let standards drop for many things. for my training. for the way i acted towards many things, many different people. for myself, and my ideals. for my devotion to God and His covenant.

giving in to vices and compromising what i thought i believed in, only for the sake of simplifying my task of existance, and then questioning that very belief itself, trying to dilute the fact that, in light of my academic demands, i was disregarding far more than i should have even thought of doing. and right now, i cant say that im not ashamed of what ive done.

or what i havent been able to do.

"Simon, do you love me...?"

As he sat next to Him in the glow of the fire that cooked their mid-morning meal, Simon Peter reflected upon Jesus' words. His simple question, that, in the light of the recent events that had shaken the foundation of Jerusalem, Israel and their belief in the Messiah to the core, seemed to hold much greater a weight when Simon thought of his acts during the crucifixion.

"I do not know Him!!"; those words were uttered without barely a thought, the impulse behind them fueled purely by fear, by panic, by selfish desires. Ever since the moment the cock had crowed, Simon had wrestled with his foolish actions, and the consequences that lay in wait. "I...denied Jesus. Denied God and all I've stood for...over the past 4 years in which I've centralized my life around God's work"; the retribution seemed inevitable. Who gets away with lying about an affiliation...with the Almighty Himself? A thousand thoughts must have perturbed his mind since that afternoon on calvary hill...and not a single one entirely related to his reckless actions and how he was now so, so sorry.

And somehow, now, in Jesus' face now Simon saw no trace of that hatred, that anger, that retribution he deserved, but an honest, simple expression...of His love, unwavered since the day he had met Him. And in that, Simon realised the love that Jesus had shown, the love he had been called to show, and the love that his Messiah still continued to show, despite his utmost failure to comply to God's commandments, was not one he could strive for, for by rights no act of relentless faith or selfless worship could hope to atone for his lifetime of ineptitude and sin.

It was a love so great - a love that superceded the boundaries and rights the universe had cast upon man and God, separating them as far as the heavens and the earth. A love that broke the chains of sin...of fear...of guilt that suspended him to his earthly fate. A love that promised a future, given not by rights but by grace.

A love greater than any other.

perhaps never before more than this instant has the weight of the world borne down to heavily upon each and every one of us, as daily we struggle against society and conformity to try to hold on to God's word. and we wonder sometimes...why is it so hard...??

"Brothers and sisters will betray one another and have each other put to death.
Parents will betray their own children, and children will turn against their parents and have them killed.
Everyone will hate you because of me.
But if you remain faithful until the end, you will be saved."
- Matthew 10: 21-22
maybe it was never meant to be easy.
God warns us that in choosing to follow Him, we are pitting ourselves against the rest of society that follows the mainstream of the world, the way of the devil. And in firm belief and
conviction in carrying out His will, we meet with adversity beyond what we ourselves may possibly hope to overcome. but it is with His strength and His grace that we are empowered to last through these ages of turmoil.
on a different note, something that was mentioned on sunday did say something about God's love. its a love unconditional...
...and to Him, a love unnecessary.
as Jesus spoke to Simon Peter, christians are called to be fishers of men. to reach out into society and earn for Christ more followers, more believers, more disciples for His holy cause. let the kingdom of God be glorified - it is the quintessential task of each true christian to devote his or her existance to the expansion of the Lord's kingdom.
and yet, the presence of a following...is irrelevant to the glorification of that kingdom. for His name is not exalted higher just because it has behind it legions of believers; it is as such as it deserves it. but God extends this chance for us to be redeemed, this want of His for us to be brought close to Him, simply because He loves us. and in that love holds the ability to see all of our flaws, and the grace to overlook them entirely and to draw us into His perfect presence.

the one thing we need in life, the one thing we should hold close and rely on entirely, is the promise of God that He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forevermore. and in this promise is the reassurance that Christ will come again...and that all our troubles may be lifted from our shoulders. for He who has overcome this earth has more than the power and the desire to overcome whatever challenge, come what may.

"Simon Peter, do you love me?"

And in the presence of that love, Simon realised, was the promise of God unconditional and everlasting. The words flowed from his lips freely this time.

"Yes Lord, I do!!"

Blessed are those who dwell in Your house
They are ever praising You
Blessed are those whose strength is in You
Whose hearts are set on our God

We will go from strength to strength
Till me see You face to face

Hear our prayer
Oh Lord God almighty
Come bless our land
As we seek You, worship You

For You are holy
For You are holy
For You are holy, Lord

Hear our prayer
Oh Lord God almighty
Come bless our land
As we seek You, worship You


we seek You, we will worship You, come what may.

Yes Lord, i do!!

Monday, September 08, 2008

...and from here, you can almost see the light. or is that that oncoming train...?

term 4 week 1. just 2 and a half weeks until finals. and maybe only now its beginning to bear down on me. the fact that despite all ive done in the holidays, there just simply isnt enough time to catch up on everything i told myself id 'do later, cus theres all the time i need and more'. not that ive done much in the holidays besides go for training and play pokemon.

and i gotta stop playing pokemon. its making me antisocial. i cant believe i spent a week at home not talking to people and not even going out to buy dinner just so i could play that stupid game. what have i become.

so maybe it hasnt borne down on me completely either.

pretty fascinating how the closer the finals get, the less productive i seem to become.

they only get closer, and the work only seems to get harder. pretty daunting a task huh.

and yet somehow even though half of me, probably the more rational side, tells myself that its now or never that i pull myself together, smack myself awake and really start working...theres also the other half that feels like just dropping it and letting things go their course. not that i can change them now can i.

...can i...?

"Surrender your heart to God, turn to Him in prayer,
and give up your sins - even those you do in secret.
Then you won't be ashamed;
you will be confident and fearless.
Your troubles will go away like water beneath a bridge,
and your darkest night will be brighter than noon.
You will rest safe and secure,
filled with hope and emptied of worry."

- Job 11:13-18

its really reassuring that as cataclystic a fate that seems to await you, God will always make things better in the end.

theres a catch though.

having faith...having trust in something or someone isnt always easy. more often than not it in itself is a task. its always so easy to find excuses, to point out flaws, and to rather rely on ones on perception and strength to carry yourself through; at least its something you can control.

or something i think i can.

moresoever impossible sometimes is the issue of putting your faith in God. for me it is anyway. after all...if you find it an issue to trust another, how could you bring yourself to trust someone that, despite repeated promises, seems only an intangible observer?

...how could i not?

trusting in God isnt supposed to be easy. or maybe by rights it should be but as far as being human is concerned, being human therefore being flawed, it isnt so easy to give of myself entirely...or perhaps even a portion of myself. but maybe the loss that denying yourself seems to indicate isnt as massive in comparison to what you receive in return.

"all of yourself for all of God"

...just a meagre price to pay, isnt it?

and maybe ultimately its not the sacrifice that tanks us, but the things we seem to want to cling on to, the things we think we cant live without, that truly sucks the life out of us. and if wed only look to Him, wed realise that Hes been there all the time holding the solution in His hands...and just reaching out to us and asking us to take His hand. so what are we waiting for?

...what am i waiting for?

anyway its just a few more weeks and, for better or for worse, everything will be over. and maybe then ill have some time to look at other things ive been pushing aside.
...so tell me mister, where does this train take me...?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

september holidays. i really have abandoned this blog. monthly posts are the only thing keeping this thing alive.

maybe blogging would be much more fun if you could just think a thought and have it written down on here.

then again...that would be real dangerous wouldnt it O.o

nahh...for you. you request then only i blog...if not too lazy.

thanks for being my funky non-wussy friend. make me feel so wussy in contrast -.-

and we acs boys not wussy okayy!! just...sensitive!!

so the one week break kinda signifies only the impending doom that is the finals. which are freaking 4 weeks away.

and lets see...what have i got left to cover...?

art - the entire piece
bio - almost everything
physics- almost everything
history - everything
cmath - almost everything
ihs - everything
langarts - everything
chinese - everything

wahh. future looks pretty bleak huh.

still...i got another month. and if i mug like crazy at the end of the day i might just pull through.

...or fail miserably. but lets not look at that yet shall we.

plus training will stop after this saturday. and while im no huge fan of waking up at 6.30 on a saturday morning to row around a reservoir...or swim around it...its pretty bad timing since me and andrew have just found our strokes and balance.

fudge. when i go back in october i might just forget it all!! O.o

ahh well. no one said this studying thing was easy right. let alone this ib thing. and for the next month its do or die.

wahhh. so scary.

its been almost a week since nong left. and i was gonna post about his departure last week but well...once i got here i just didnt feel like doing it.

so yahhh. ponned school on wednesday to go see Nong off with Ben Ryan and Yap. got to T3 at like 8. sat around in a lounge. went to eat macs. and before we knew it it was time for him to go =(

i guess it never really is easy to say goodbye. there was alot we had to say Nong...but maybe not all of it we could manage at the spur of the moment. and maybe not all of it we can bring ourselves to say. but youre our friend man. and all in all, its not gonna be easy with you away.
still, youve been given an awesome chance to go overseas and sorta restart your academic career. and God knows...i could use that chance too. heh heh. told you your cupboard seemed tempting.

in faith, all we can do now is wait for your return. and we pray that God watch over you...and that in everything you do and every situation you meet he may be there to guide you and keep you safe.

Emmanuel, He is God with us. and we pray that He truly be with you. and that in your times of need you shouldnt hesitate to turn to Him, for His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses...and no problem be too insignificant or to overwheling for Him to handle.
the Lord bless you and keep you, as we wait for your return. come back soon man =) then we can have our funky stayovers again!!

to you man. well at least the chorus...the rest of it kinda doesnt make sense for the situation at hand.

but Dream Theater so cool...how can not post their songs!!

There's a story in your eyes
I can see the hurt behind your smile
For every sign I recognize
Another one escapes me

Let me know what plagues your mind
Let me be the one to know you best
Be the one to hold you up
When you feel like you're sinking

Tell me once again
What's beneath the pain you're feeling?
Don't abandon me
Or think you can't be saved

Summon up your ghosts from me
Rest your tired thoughts upon my hands
Step inside this sacred place
When all your dreams seem broken

Resonate inside this temple
Let me be the one who understands
Be the one to carry you
When you can walk no further

Tell me once again
What's below the surface bleeding
If you've lost your way
I will take you in

I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all the may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you

Oh, when everything is wrong
Oh, when hopelessness surrounds you
Oh, the sun will rise again
The tide you swim against
Will carry you back home, so don't give up
Don't give in

I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all that may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you

I Walk Beside You
Dream Theater

love that key change. pretty dramatic.

haha..this is pretty ironic...but Nong, YOULL NEVER WALK ALONE.

leaving on a jetplane
dont know when ill be back again

Thursday, August 14, 2008

i never thought id really land myself in so much trouble.

i guess what they say is right. if you live life with no consequences it doesnt show at first...but once it piles up and comes crashing down on you youre left with no room to breathe. no space to move.

the repercussions of my actions really have caught up to me. and i guess there isnt really much i cant do to reverse them.

there really isnt anything i can do at all at this point. except work hard to change it for the better.

i was given a chance at the start of this year for a life in difference. a chance to make something out of my future and do well. to succeed. to seize the day and plot a course for myself in the future. and to whoever else it may concern. people told me that it was a great chance...and that, having it despite the seemingly impossible circumstances, i should treasure it.

i never was a good listener.

in the beginning pushing aside every little issue felt like a sure-fire way to keep my mind unoccupied. sure, i could always deal with it later. a little bit here, a little bit there; it wasnt gonna affect me much.

and somewhere along that line it set in.

i didnt actually ever get round to completing those tasks id set before me. so much left undone, so much more to come. and those just piled up too. and maybe i go used to it...maybe my mind just blanked it out. i countered my conscience with those issues with others. other achievements in other fields that i could use to validate my worthfulness, my effort in a matter which carried some weight.

assignment after assignment, even those that really counted, i just disregarded. there was always next time that id do better...always next time that id try harder.

always next time that id feel purposeful.

and now i feel anything but that.

"do your best and God will do the rest"

i always counted on that. that no matter how screwed up the situation, God would eventually come in and make things better. that Hed give me that extra push to help me do well...and excel. and Hed be there to assure me that i shouldnt ever give up...cus things would always work out in the end. and definitely, Hes there to do that and so much more.

...but i never really gave my best, did i?

ive let my parents down. myself down...although i probably willingly let that happen.

and ive let God down.

well...theres nothing more i can do left than work hard now, right? and pray that after my year end results are taken in consideration, that ill clear next year. because i dont have another option than to give it all i got now.

and if i dont clear...this is gonna be a huge learning experience for me.

and to seek His forgiveness. and blessing once more. for these next 2 months...things are gonna have to change.

I am falling to my knees
I need You, Lord, to breathe in me
My prayer is still the same
My heart is crying out Your name

Monday, July 21, 2008


im so nice. remembering the birthday which i just found out about today.

dude yeahhh its your birthday. smile =)

i guess pressure does pile up. and goodness knows youve probably experienced more of it than most people. like...Nong...Ben...and me. and i know saying dont worry doesnt do anything to eradicate your worries...cus contrary to what people believe i believe...problems dont just disappear if you dont make an issue out of them.

and in times like these...i guess its only stereotypical that one is called to put his faith in God; a trust/faith-issue way easier said than done.

God is omnipresent. and yet at times our lives seem so choked up with other issues that His grace seems clouded. at times his presence seems so farfrom us. and we look to Him and wonder at times...why He doesnt just take us away from our struggles and hardships, and allow us to lead an unperturbed life of worship and service to Him.

maybe...thats cus hes not there to do that.

over bountiful chapels and sermons, a consistent message is preached that God is our saviour, our redeemer, our single hope in this world of chaos. and irrefutably, He is all that and more. and yet being Christian and trusting in Him by no means buys us an all-encompassing get-out-of-jail-free card for every undesirable occurance life throws our way. God is there not to simply offer His immediate assistance in whatever issue we have to face...for if He did where would we draw our life lessons from. where would we learn to pull ourselves from the rubble.

God is there not to push us forward unconditionally, but to reach out His hand...and beckon us to take it in faith. faith not that everything will become peachy at once, but that in Him, we will find greater strength to face the challenges we find so indominable, so unconquerable, so indiminishable by ourselves.

God is there to be our hope.

alone there is so much in life that threatens to bury us deep under issue after insustainable issue. but in God, there is that renewed vigour that pushes us forward regardless of however impossible the task ahead may seem.

for when God is with you, who can be against you...?

Your grace is enough
More than I need
At Your word I will believe
I wait for You
Draw near again
Let Your Spirit make me new

Your presence in me
Jesus light the way
By the power of Your word
I am restored
I am redeemed
By Your Spirit, I am free

And I will fall at Your feet
I will fall at Your feet
And I will worship You here

Freely You gave it all for us
Surrendered Your life upon that cross
Great is the love
Poured out for all
This is our God
Lifted on high from death to life
Forever our God is glorified
Servant and King
Rescued the world
This is our God

This Is Our God
This Is Our God

turn your eyes upon Jesus. nothing is too vast for Him to overcome.

my blog
since september '06 =)
livin on a prayer!

14: 12/5
bedokmethodistchurch: frontliners
2.7 Ephraim
3.15 Nahum

Lost in Wonder
Keith Getty


ben mok.
joel yap.
joseph sim.
joshua tan.
kenneth low.
kwok wy.
shawn lee.
yan lin.


This site is 100% done by kriss, with the help of other media(such as brushes, textures, etc.). No ripping or stealing of images or codes without author's permission.
December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 January 2009 March 2009